Saturday 14 September 2013

Tomorrow is Ekadashi(Parivartani Ekadashi / Vaman Ekadashi)

On this Ekadasi day Lord Vishnu who reclines on Aadishesha turns to another side and this turn is called as Parivarthan.
Parsava Ekadashi which is also known as Parivartini, Vamana and Jayanti Ekadashi is observed during the waxing phase of the moon in the month of Bhadrapada i.e. August and September. It is important to note that ‘Parivartini’ means ‘of change’ and denotes a time when Shesh-Shayi Narayan (form of God laying on the serpent Shesh) changes his position, posture, direction and faces the East. One must note that this Ekadasi happens during the Dakshinayana Punyakalam. It is interesting to note the famous age old belief that Lord Vishnu who takes rest during this period changes his posture of sleep namely he turns from left side to right side. It is because of this reason that this Ekadashi is also known as Parsva Parivartini Ekadashi.

As a matter of practice Vamana Avatar of Lord Vishnu is worshipped on this Ekadashi day. The reason as to why this Ekadasi is also known as Vamana Ekadashi is simply because Vamana Avatar took place during this period. As a matter of fact King Mahabali was sent to pathalam on this day and therefore the Onam festival which celebrates the return of Mahabali takes place during this period.

Historical literature reveals that the importance and relevance of this Ekadasi was narrated to Yudhisthira, the eldest of the Pandavas, by Lord Krishna. Yudhisthira was inquisitive regarding the history, relevance and purport of the Ekadashi and wanted Lord Krishna to enlighten him. In reply to the queries he was informed that Ekadashi bestows both great merit and ultimate liberation from material bondage and that if one truly desires salvation from the material world he should fast on Vamana Ekadashi.

It is believed that those who observe this Ekadashi will be absolved of their sins. As per the religious calendar this Ekadashi also happens during the Chaturmas period. As a matter of practice those who undertake fast on this day avoid grains and rice.Practically while observing this holy fast a Vaishnava should lovingly worship the Supreme Lord in his form as Vamanadeva i.e. the dwarf incarnation, whose eyes are like lotus petals.

Wednesday 11 September 2013


Ganesh Chaturthi
Lord Ganesh is considered to be the God who has the ability to bestow wisdom and wealth upon humans. All the new undertakings, whether at place of work or at home, start by reciting the mantra of Lord Ganesha. He is known as the God of good luck and prosperity. Therefore, before any auspicious occasion, Hindus performs the puja of Lord Ganesha, to achieve success in it. Ganesh Chaturthi, the day marking the birth of the Lord, is celebrated in a grand manner in Maharashtra as well as other parts of India. It falls in the Hindu lunar month of Bhadra and lasts over a period of ten days. One of the most loving festivals of India, Ganesh Chaturthi has many legends associated with it. Given below are the legends from Shiv and Skanda Purana.

Legend From Shiv Purana
The most popular legend associated with Lord Ganesha can be found in the Shiv Purana. It says that Lord Ganapati was created out of the dough that Goddess Parvati used for her bath. The Goddess wanted a door-keeper, to prevent the coming of any visitors when she took a bath. So, she created a doll from the dough and breathed life into him. The day she did this came to be known as the birthday of Lord Ganesha, which we today celebrate as Ganesh Chaturthi.

On day, while Goddess Parvati was taking her bath, Lord Shiva happened to visit her. Ganesha did not know him, so he did not allow the Lord to enter the house. This made Lord Shiva angry and he beheaded Ganesha. Later, when he came to know the truth, he fixed the head of an elephant in place of Ganesha's head. With this, the appearance of Lord Ganesha changed and he came to have the head of an elephant.

Legend From Skanda Purana
There is yet another popular legend associated with Ganesh Chaturthi, arising from Skanda Purana. It goes that once Ganesha was invited for a feast in Chandralok. He ate many Ladoos and later, as he got up to walk after the meal, he could not balance himself, because of his huge stomach, and slipped. His stomach burst and all the laddoos came rolling out. Seeing this, the moon could not control himself and began laughing. Ganesha got angry and cursed the moon that it will vanish from the universe.

Because of moon's absence, the whole world began to wane. The gods asked Lord Shiva to get Ganesha to change his mind. The moon also apologized for his misbehavior. Finally, Ganesha modified his curse saying that the moon would be invisible on only one day of a month and would be partially seen on Ganesha Chaturthi. He also added that anyone who watches moon on Ganesha Chaturthi would face a false accusation. This is the reason why, even today, it is considered inauspicious to look at the moon on Ganesh Chaturthi.
Info Courtesy -
Narahari Sumadhwa
1. Who is Ganesha or Vinayaka or Ganapathi?
- Ganesha is the son of Parvathi – Parameshwara. Vinayaka is the abhimani devata for akaasa (space or sky) – bhootakaasha. He has Mooshika as his vaahana, he has modaka in his hands, We have to worship Ganapathi as the Srihari's parivara devate. We must never worship him as supreme.

2. What is the kakshya of Vinayaka?
Ganapathi is in the 18th Kakshya alongwith Vishwaksena, Sheshashatastaru, Kubera, and Ashwini Devategalu. Ganapathi was born as “Charudeshna”, the son of Krishna-Rukmini.

3. It is said that Parvathi got Ganapathi out of her body’s mud. Is it without the knowledge of Rudra?
As per Skanda Purana (Tamasa purana) Parvathi got son out of her body’s mud. But we must not take the story as it is. It gives a wrong picture on Parvathi. When Parvathi created Ganesha out of her body’s mud, does it mean that she had lot of mud in her body, how that much of mud can come to her. When she was born as "Sati", the daughter of Daksha prajapathi, she had created fire (agni) out of her body and entered fire. She only took out some portion of Pruthvi amsha out of her body.

Parvathi she herself cannot create a son. She cannot by herself can give birth to a child. A Woman without the support and anugraha of a Purusha, cannot produce a child and such things are not found anywhere. We must understand that Parvathi created Vinayaka only out of the grace, anugraha, and support of her husband Rudra, but not of her own power. Sri Jagannathadasaru says ""ಪಿನಾಕಿ ಭಾರ್ಯಾತನುಜ ಮೃದ್ಭವ" (pinaki bhaaryatanuja mrudbhava".

As per Brahma Vaivartha Purana (Rajasa purana) – the birth of Ganesha is different – It goes on like this. :-
Parvathi wanted to have a child and did the penance to Srihari, who blessed her with her desire.
Once Shiva – Parvathi were together (in ekaantha) and Shiva was about to discharge his Veerya in her. By that time some sages came and sought Bhiksha. Parvathi left Shiva in the middle and went to arrange for the Bhiksha of the sages. In the meantime, the Veerya in Shiva which should have been deposited in Parvathi fell on the ground, and a handsome boy was born. That boy was none other than Ganapathi. So, Ganapathi was born with the anugraha of Shiva only.

Note - Here both the puranaas are written by Sri Vedavyasaru only, one is a tamasa purana and the other a rajasa purana. The Skanda purana on Ganapathi seems to be mohaka purana.

4. How Vinayaka got the head of the elephant?
Here also two versions –
As per Skanda Purana – which is a famous story – Parvathi went to take bath and installed Ganapathi as the security. Shiva came with thirsty and was about to enter the house, whom Ganapathi stopped. Shiva out of anger, removed the head of Ganapathi. When Parvathi came out she saw the dead son and begged Shiva to give life to him. Shiva in turn, then realised that Ganapathi was his son only, and ordered his servants to bring the head of anyone who is lying with the head towards North Direction. The servants saw no one sleeping with head towards North and found an elephant sleeping so. They cut off the head of that elephant and gave it to Shiva, who placed on the body of Ganapathi and brought back to life.

As per Brahma Vaivartha Purana – it is a different story - Ganapathy was very handsome. All gods, Rushees, Munees wanted to have his darshana. Everybody came there to Kailasa to have his darshana and were praising the Gananayaka. Parvathi was very much happy at her son. After all gods came, Shanaischara, who had come to Kailasa was hesitating to see Ganapathy and was sitting out. Parvathi realizing this asked Shani to come and have the darshana of Ganapathy. Shani told that he had a curse from his wife that if he sees anybody directly his head would be cut off. (Once Shani was doing Dhyana. At that time his wife, daughter of Chitraratha, came in front of him, but Shani who was in dhyana did not see her at all. So she cursed him that whoever he sees directly would get his head cut off).

Parvathi compels Shani to see Ganapathy, which he agreed and sees him. As soon as he saw him directly, Ganapathy’s face was cut. Parvathi now repented for having forced Shani to see his son and she was crying. As such Ganapathy lost his head.

Parvathi prayed Srihari who immediately rushed there. Srihari went and removed the head of an elephant which was sleeping head faced towards North.

Acharya Madhwa in his Maandookopanishat Bhashya has written - Sri Ganesha is the aradhaka of Vishwa Taijasa roopa. Both are are Jaagrat and Svapnavaste niyamaka roopa. - i.e., Vishvambara roopa. It has 19 heads. The Central face is Gajamukha, whereas the other 18 faces are human faces. Ganesha was doing the chintana of "Vishvambara roopa" of Srihari. As such, he got the Gajamukha.

5 . Why Srihari brought the head of the elephant and placed it on Ganapathy -
As per Brahma Vaivartha Purana -
Once Doorvasa sage gave the nirmalya of Srihari to Indra, the god of Heaven. Indra in turn put it on the head of the elephant, which threw and touched with its legs. As such, having neglected Nirmalya of Srihari Indra got so many problems and he had to loose his power also. Ultimately after Samudra Mathana, after getting Amrutha, Devendra got back his power. Here, that elephant which touched the nirmalya of Srihari with its legs got the sin. As such, it had to be punished. Srihari removed the head of that elephant and placed it on Ganapathy. Further, that elephant was lucky to have the sparsha of Harinivedita nirmalya and as such, its head could become the head of Ganapathy.

6. Naming ceremony of Ganapathy – Parvathi requested Srihari to name the child – So, Srihari himself gave 8 names –
Vignesha – as he is the pariharaka of obstacles.
Ganesha – as he is the head of Ganaas,
Heramba – as he fought with Shiva
Gajanana – as he has the face of elephant (Gajakarna)
Lambodara – as he has long udara
Shoorpakarna – as he has broad ears
Vinayaka - as he is always immersed in the dhyana of Srihari
Ekadanta – as he has one tusk

7. Why Ganapathy lost of his “danta” and became "Ekadanta" –
As per Skanda purana – Once Ganapathy was sitting on his vehicle, the rat and moving. Suddenly one snake passed and the rat on seeing the snake, got fear and shaked, Vinayaka who was sitting on the rat fell. Chandra who saw this laughed at Ganesha. Ganapathy got angry at Chandra, he removed one of his danta and threw at him.

As per Brahma Vaivartha purana –
Jamadagni, the father of Parashurama, was killed by Karthaveeryarjuna. Parashurama got angry and wanted to kill him. At this time, the gods and rushees told that Karthaveeryarjuna is blessed with the boon and as such, he has to obtain vidya from Shiva to enable him to kill Karthaveeryarjuna. Parashurama, the incarnation of Srihari, loka reethya went to Shiva for learning Shastra vidya (weapon vidya) with Shiva. ( Here we must note that - Shiva did the samarpana of shastra vidya to Parashurama). After killing Karthaveeryarjuna, Parashurama again returned and wanted to do the samarpana of the killing of Karthaveeryarjuna to his guru (loka reethya). Ganapathy who was standing in front of Kailasa stopped Parashurama telling that his parents are in Ekantha. Parashurama insisted to go inside. Ganapathy told that him if he wants to go inside, he has to fight with him and go inside. Parashurama pretended angry and took his weapon and was about to throw at Ganapathy. Now, Ganapathy realizing his mistake repented and begged to remove one of his tooth (danta) as a punishment for having prevented him from entering. Parashurama removed that Danta (tooth) of Ganapathy . As such, Ganapathy is having only one danta – Ekadanta.

8. What is the importance of Bhadrapada Shudda Chaturthi ?
It is the day on which Ganapathy had his rebirth – i.e., the day on which he got the elephant’s head. Further, Shiva blessed him that before starting any new work, agriculture, wedding, or any function, one must do the pooja of Vigneshwara so that there will not be any obstacles in completion of that work and that it would be completed confortably.

9. Why we must not see Chandra on Bhadrapada Shudda Chaturthi –
As already informed once Ganapathy was sitting on his chariot rat (mooshika Vahana Ganapathy) after eating heavy food on Bhadrapada Shudda Chaturthi. The rat saw a snake passing nearby and the rat become unconscious on seeing the snake and fell down. Ganesha sitting on the rat fell down on the ground. The sweet balls which Ganesha had in his hand fell on the ground and Ganesha took it and put them again in his belly. Ganesha took the snake which was moving and tied to his belly as a belt. Seeing the mischievous actions of Ganesha, Chandra laughed in the sky. Ganesha felt it as disrespect to him by Chandra, and cursed him that “no one shall see Chandra in future”. With this Chandra repented and came down and did the prarthana to Ganesha for pardon.

Note – Chandra is in the 12th Kakshya whereas Ganapathi is in the 18th Kakshya. How can he accept the curse by Ganapathi? - Chandra on being hit by Ganesha, understood and saw that it is not mere Ganesha, but actually paramathma, the Vishwambara roopa of Srihari and sought apology from paramathma present in Ganesha.
Then Ganesha was convinced and reduced the curse that Chandra should decrease day by day in Krishna paksha. Further, let no one shall see Chandra on Bhadrapada Shudda Chaturthi day and that who ever see Chandra shall have “mistake or misunderstanding and shall have some blame”.

10. Worshipping of Ganapathy as Sarvottama is wrong –
Vinayaka is the son of Rudra. For those who have tamasa gunas, Vinayaka in order to make them to a fierceful states, makes them to do Sankashti Vratha, and gives sukha, which is the reason for hell later. Some people are performing Sankashti Vratha on every Krishna Paksha Chaturthi day. Ganesha blesses them fully or partially and then pushes them to hell. Because those who perform such vratas are basically tamasic souls. Because – They pray that Ganapathy is Sarvottama. They prey that Ganapathi is the Creater, protector and destroyer, etc. As such, Madhwas are not supposed to do Sankashti Vratha.

11. gaNaanaam pati: = dEvagaNaanaam pati: = hari: = Actually the word “Ganapathy” means Srihari only. All Vedaas, all shabdhaas, vaakyaas, whether pourusheya or apouresheya, all speak, sing only the glorious of Srihari only.

12. Worshipping of Ganapathy by greater gods :

a. In order to kill daithyaas, Devendra did pooja of Ganapathi
b. While constructing the bridge to Lanka, Sri Ramachandra did the pooja of Ganapathi.
c. Yudhistira did the pooja of Ganapathi as per the orders of Krishna.
d. Shiva himself did the pooja of Ganapathy before starting war with Tripurasura.
e. Krishna also did the pooja of Ganapathy
Here all the gods mentioned are superior to Ganapathi in Kakshya. All of them did the pooja only loka reethya and to bless Ganapathy. Ramachandra did the pooja to Ganapathi being the pooja of himself his own Vishwambararoopa which was in Ganapathi. Dharmaraja did pooja of Ganapathi to respect the boons granted by Shiva to Vinayaka and to mislead the wicked souls also.

13. Vinayaka getting the face of an elephant as per Acharya Madhwa as found in Maandookopanishat Upanishad Bhashya –
Vinayaka getting the face of an elephant is actually based on sruti. He is very great devotee of Sri Hari, in the roopa of “Vishwambaramurthy”, who controls the waking state and “taijasa” named paramathma who controls the dream state of jeevas.

Bhagavan, the Vaishnara is denoted by the sacred pranava “Omkara”. And is the instigator and controller of Mahalakshmi. He has four swaroopaas. In each jeeva, Paramathma resides in four roopaas. In the waking state, he resides in the right eye. He has 7 limbs, which means 4 hands, 1 tusk, and 2 legs. He has 19 faces The middle one is that of an elephant’s face. On both sides of that face, there are 9 faces.
Vinayaka was always meditating on this centre face of Vaishnara which is that of an elephant and so by the sruti, he has the face of an elephant. - vinayakastu vishwasya dhyaanaat Et gajavaktrataam |

14. Ganapathi writing Mahabharatha as dictated by Vedavyasa devaru -
Ganapathi is the recipient of mercy from Lord Sri Vedavyasa. The story goes on that Sri Vedavyasa ordered to Sri Ganapathy to write Mahabharatha to the speed of his dictation.
Original Mahabharata consist of 60 lakhs granthas (Grantha means 32 letters) Sri Vedavyasa kept 30 lakhs granthas aside, not available to anyone, but only made available to Chaturmukha brahma, Vayu. Of the remaining 30 lakhs – was split into four portions –

a. 30 lakhs granthas were given to Narada Maharshi to teach the Devataas.
b. In that again another half of that, i.e., 15 lakhs Grantha were taken and given to the sages Asitha, and Devalaru, for teaching Pitru Devategalu.
c. Shukacharya was given 14 lakh granthas for teaching to Gandharvas
d. Final one lakh granthas were made available to Janamejaya Raja by Sri Vaisampayanaru. Only this final one lakh grantha is now available to us. This one lakh Grantha (approx 8800 shlokas) is said to be written by Ganapathi and not the entire Mahabharatha.

1. 15. Ravana incident - Shiva had given Raavana for Shiva pooja, his athmalinga, and instructed Ravana that the atmalinga should not be placed on the ground as it would establish itself where placed on earth. On the way, as the Sandhyavandana time arrived, Ravana asked Ganesha (in the disguise of a Brahmin boy), to look after the Athmalinga, (Shiva Idol) and went for Sandhyavandhana. Pl note - even Ravana, a Daithya was doing Sandhya vandana without fail. Ganesha told him he could not carry the idol for long time. Raavana told he will come early. Ganesha having known of the Athmalinga, he kept it on the ground itself, resulting in the Gokarneshwara atmalinga.