Tuesday 25 February 2014

VijayA EkAdasii

VijayA EkAdasii

Yudhisthira Maharaj said, “Oh Lord Sri Krishna, O glorious son of Vasudeva, please be merciful to me and describe the EkAdasii that occurs during the dark fortnight of the month of PhAlguna (February-March).”

Lord Sri Krishna replied, “Oh Yudhisthira, Oh king of kings, gladly I shall tell you about this great fast, known as VijayA EkAdasii. Whoever observes it certainly achieves success in this life and the next. All the sins of one who fasts on this EkAdasii and hears its sublime glories are eradicated.

“NArada Muni once asked lord BrahmA, who sits on a lotus flower about the VijayA EkAdasii. Sri NArada said, ‘Oh best of all the demigods, kindly tell me the merit one can achieve by faithfully observing VijayA EkAdasii.’
“NArada’s great father then replied, ‘My dear son, this oldest of fasting days is pure, and it nullifies all sins. I have never revealed this to anyone until today, but you can understand beyond any doubt that this EkAdasii bestows the result indicated by its name… (VijayA meaning Victory).

“When Lord Rama was exiled to the forest for fourteen years, He, the goddess SitA, and His divine brother Lakshmana stayed at Panchavati as mendicants. Mother SitA was then kidnapped by the demon RAvana, and Lord Rama seemingly became bewildered like an ordinary man by distress. While searching for His beloved consort, the Lord came upon the dying JatAyu and thereafter killed His enemy Kabandha.. The great devotee-vulture JatAyu returned to Vaikuntha after telling Rama how His dear SitA had been abducted by Ravana.

“ ‘Later, Lord Rama and Sugriva, the king of the monkeys, became friends. Together they amassed a grand army of monkeys and bears and sent HanumAnji his minister to Sri LankA, where he was able to see Janaki (Srimati SitA devi) in an Ashoka grove garden. He delivered Lord Rama’s message and showed the ring proving his authenticity for rendering such great service to the Supreme Lord Sri Rama.
“ ‘With the help of Sugriva, Lord Rama proceeded toward Sri LankA. Upon arriving at the shore of the ocean with the army of monkeys, He could understand that the water was uncommonly deep and hostile. Thus He said to Lakshmana, “Oh son of SumitrA, how can We earn enough merit to be able to cross this vast ocean, the unfathomable abode of Varuna deva? I can see no easy way to cross it, teeming as it is with sharks and other ferocious aquatics.”

“ ‘Lakshmana replied, “Oh best of all beings, Oh origin of all the devas, Oh primal personality, the great sage BakadAlbhya lives on an island just four miles from here. Oh Raghava, he has seen many BrahmAs come and go, so aged and wise is he. Let us go to him, take his darshan (audience) and ask him how We can safely reach Our goal.”

“ ‘So Rama and Lakshmana proceeded to the humble Ashrama of the incomparable BakadAlbhya Muni. Approaching him, the two Lords paid Their respectful obeisances to him as if he were a second Vishnu. BakadAlbhya could immediately understand, however, that Sri Rama was actually the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who for His own reasons had appeared on the Earth and was enacting just like a human being.
“ ‘ “Rama, “ said BakadAlbhya, “Oh best of the human beings, why have You come to my lowly abode?”
“ ‘The Lord replied, “Oh great, twice born brahmin, I have come here to the ocean shore with My phalanx of monkey and bear warriors in order to cross the sea and conquer LankA and its demon horde headed by Ravana. Oh greatest of sages, please be merciful unto Me and please tell Me how I can cross this vast ocean. That is why I have come to your Ashrama today.”
“ ‘The sage said, “Oh Lord Sri Rama, I shall tell you of the most exalted of all fasts, observing which You will surely conquer Ravana and be eternally glorified. Kindly now listen with full attention.

“ ‘ “On the day before EkAdasii, fashion a water pot of gold or silver, or even copper. Even clay will do if these metals are unavailable. Fill the pot with pure water and then decorate it nicely with mango leaves. Cover it and place it near a holy altar upon a mound of seven grains (the seven grains are barley, wheat, rice, corn, chickpeas, kukani, and dahl or peas). Now take Your morning bath, decorate the water pot with flower garlands and sandalwood paste, and inn the concave lid atop the pot place there the barley, pomegranate, and coconut. Now with great love and devotion worship the water pot Deity form and offer Him incense, sandalwood paste, flowers, a ghee lamp, and a plate of sumptuous foods. Remain there awake that night beside this sacred pot. On top of the lid filled with barley, etc., place a golden mUrthy of Lord Sri NArAyana.
“ ‘ “When EkAdasii dawns, take Your morning bath and then decorate the water pot with fine sandalwood paste and garlands. Then worship the pot again with first class incense, lamps, sandalwood paste and flowers dipped in sandalwood paste, and then devoutly/devotedly place many kinds of cooked food, pomegranate, and coconut before the water pot. Then remain awake over night.

“ ‘ “When the DwAdasi dawns, take the water pot to the bank of a holy river, or even to the shore of a small pond. After worshipping it again properly, Oh King of kings, offer it with all the aforementioned ingredients to a pure hearted brahmin, expert in the Vedic sciences. If You and Your military commanders observe the VijayA EkAdasii in this way, You will surely be victorious in every way.”

“” ‘Lord Sri RAmachandra Bhagavan, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, did just as BakadAlbhya Muni instructed, and thus He conquered all demoniac forces. Similarly, anyone who observes the VijayA EkAdasii in this way will always be victorious in this mortal world, and after leaving this world he/she will reside forever in the anxiety free realm of the Kingdom of God known as the Vaikunthas.”

“ ‘Oh NArada, my son, from this history you can understand why one should observe this EkAdasii fast properly, strictly following the rules and regulations. This fast is powerful enough to eradicate all one’s sinful reactions, even the most abominable ones.”

Lord Sri Krishna concluded, “Oh Yudhisthira, anyone who reads or hears this history will attain the same great merit as that which is earned by performing a horse sacrifice on days of yore.”

Sunday 9 February 2014

save mother cow ..

wow smiley

Tomorrow is Jaya Ekadashi.

Jaya Ekadasi - जया एकाद्शी
Jaya Ekadasi - Bhoumi Ekadasi and Bheeshma Ekadasi
जया एकाद्शी व्रत - माघ मास की शुक्ल पक्ष की एकाद्शी
Courtesy- harshala rajesh
This is an auspicious ekadashi in the month of Magha also known as Jaya Ekadashi. On the dwadashi day of Shukla Paksha we will sight Punarvasu Nakshatra(star ). Hence the day is considered very auspicious. Sri Krishna explains the significance of Jaya ekadashi to Dharmaraja "Oh Yudhisthira, I shall gladly tell you about the EkAdasii that occurs during the light half of this month of MAgha. This EkAdasii obliterates all kinds of sinful reactions and demoniac influences that may be affecting the spirit soul. It is known as JayA Ekaadasii, and the fortunate soul who observes a fast on this sacred day is relieved of the great burden of ghostly existence. Thus there is no better Ekaadasii than this, for it truly bestows freedom from birth and death. It is to be honoured very carefully and diligently. So I as you to listen to Me very attentively, Oh Pandava, as I explain a wonderful historic episode regarding this Ekadashi. ( please read the story from Puran section )

Significance of bathing in river in the month of Magha:

harEh pooja ca vaishAkhE tapah pooja ca kaarthikE |
tapO hOmastatHA dAnaM trayaM mAghE vishiShyatE ||

in vaishkha Sri Hari pooja is gets precedent, in kartika all tapas regarding Sri hari gets precedent, in Magha tapas, homa and dana regarding Sri hari, All charity in name of Sri hari and all homa offered to Sri Hari brings enormous benefits.

Ancient times Aditi devi did morning (before Sun rise ) bath in Magha without eating for 12 years. She became mother of 12 devas called dwadasha Adityas. RohiNi devi practiced magha snana vrat and attained sowbhagya. Arundhtai became best amongst women, by practing magha snana and dhana. Sachi devi attained immense beaty because of the austerities performed including magha snana.

Sun rays have special effect on our body and soul during predawn bathing in the month of Magha. In the month of Magha sesame seeds dana and pre sun rise bath in river are essential for bhakti in Sri Hari.

- Conversation between Dileep and Sage Vashisht regarding significance of Magha snana.

Puran Story:(From Padma Puran )

"Long, long ago in the heavenly planets, Lord Indra ruled his celestial kingdom very nicely, and all the devas (demigods) living there were very happy and content. In Nandana Forest, which was beautifully graced with Parijata Flowers, Indra drank ambrosia whenever he liked and enjoyed the service of fifty million celestial maidens, the Apsaras, who danced in ecstasy for his pleasure.

"Many singers, led by Pushpadanta, sang in sweet voices beyond compare. Chitrasena, Indra's chief musician was there in the company of his wife MAlini and his handsome son MAlyavAn. An Apsara named Pushpavati became very much attracted to MAlyavAn; indeed Cupid's sharp arrows pierced the core of her heart. Her beautiful body and complexion, along with the enchanting movements of her eyebrows, captivated MAlayavAn.

"Seeing Pushpavati in all her heavenly beauty, MAlyavAn was bewitched at once. They had come with the other performers to please Lord Indra by singing and dancing enchantingly, but because they had become so enamored of each other, pierced through the heart by the arrows of Cupid, lust personified, they were utterly unable to sing or dance properly before the lord and master of the heavenly realms.

Their pronunciation was wrong and their rhythm careless. Lord Indra understood the source of the errors at once. Offended at the discord in the musical performance, he became very angry and screamed, "You useless fools! You pretend to sing for me while in a stupour of infatuation with each other! You are mocking me! I curse you both to suffer henceforth as pisAchas (hobgoblins) . As husband and wife, go to the earthly regions and reap the reactions of your offenses.'

"Struck dumb by these harsh words, MAlyavAn and Pushpavati at once became morose and fell from the beautiful Nandana Forest in the kingdom of heaven to a Himalayan peak here on planet Earth. Immeasurably distressed, and their celestial intelligence vastly diminished by the effects of lord Indra's fierce curse, they lost their sense of taste and smell, and even their sense of touch. It was so cold and miserable high on the Himalayan wastes of snow and ice that they could not even enjoy the oblivion of sleep.

"Roaming aimlessly hither and thither in those harsh altitudes, MAlyavAn and Pushpavati suffered more and more, from one moment to the next. Even though they were situated in a cave, because of the snowfall and cold their teeth chattered ceaselessly, and their hair stood on end because of their fright and bewilderment.

"In this utterly desperate situation, MAlyavAn said to Pushpavati, 'What abominable sins did we commit to have to suffer in these pisAcha bodies, in this impossible environment? This is absolutely hellish! Though hell is very ferocious, the suffering we are undergoing here is even more abominable. Therefore it is abundantly clear that one should never commit sins".

"And so the forlorn lovers trudged onward in the snow and ice. By their great good fortune, however, it so happened that very day was the all auspicious JayA Ekaadasii, the Ekaadasii of the light fortnight of the month of MAgha. Because of their misery they neglected to drink any water, kill any game, or even eat whatever fruits and leaves were available at that altitude, they unknowingly observed Ekaadasii by fasting completely from all food and drink. Sunk in misery MAlyavAn and Pushpavati collapsed beneath a Pipal tree and did not even try to get up. The Sun had set by that time.

"The night was even colder and more miserable than the day. They shivered in the frigid snowfall as their teeth chattered in unison, and when they became numb, they embraced just to keep warm. Thus they suffered through the whole night under the powerful curse of the deva Indra.

" Still, Oh Yudhisthira, by the mercy of the fast they had by chance (unknowingly) observed on JayA EkAdasii, and because they had remained awake all night, they were blessed.

Please hear what happened on the next day. As DwAdasii dawned, MAlyavAn and Pushpavati had given up their demoniac forms and were once again beautiful heavenly beings wearing lustrous ornaments and exquisite garments. As they both looked at each other in amazement, a celestial airplane (vimana) arrived on the spot for them. A chorus of heavenly denizens sang their praises as the reformed couple stepped into the beautiful aircraft and proceeded directly to the heavenly regions, buoyed up by the good wishes of everyone. Soon MAlyavAn and Pushpavati arrived at AmarAvati, Lord Indra's capital city, and then they immediately went before their lord (Indradev) and offered him their cheerful obeisances.

"Lord Indra was astonished to see that they had been transformed, restored to their original status and forms so soon after he had cursed them to suffer as demons far, far below his celestial kingdom. Indradev ask of them, `What extraordinary meritorious deeds have you performed so that you could give up your pisAcha bodies so quickly after I cursed you? Who released you from my irresistible curse?

"MAlyavAn replied, `Oh lord, this is Sri Vasudeva's prasad and also by the powerful influence of the JayA EkAdasii, that we were released from our suffering condition as pisAchas. This is the truth, Oh master: Because we executed devotional service to Lord Vishnu (even performed unknowingly – by ajnAta sukriti) by observing the day most dear to Him, we have happily been restored to our former status."

"Indradev then said, `Because you served the Supreme Sri Keshava by observing EkAdasii, you have become worshippable even by me, and I can see that you are now completely purified of sin. Whosoever engages in devotional service to Sri Hari becomes praiseworthy and worshippable even by me. Of this there is no doubt.' Lord Indradev then gave MAlyavAn and Pushpavati free rein to enjoy each other and wander about his heavenly planet as they wished.

"Therefore, Oh Maharaj Yudhisthira, one should strictly observe a fast on the sacred day of Lord Hari, especially on this JayA EkAdasii,A great soul who observes this fast with full faith and devotion has in effect given all kinds of charity, performed all kinds of sacrifice, and bathed in all the Holy places of pilgrimage.


Sunday 2 February 2014

Shri RAJIV Dixit Ji - Wallpapers: PHOTOS

Shri RAJIV Dixit Ji - Wallpapers: PHOTOS: महाज्ञानी श्री राजीव दीक्षित जी -फोटोग्राफ्स-     ______________________________________________________________________ ...

Shri RAJIV Dixit Ji - Wallpapers: PHOTOS

Shri RAJIV Dixit Ji - Wallpapers: PHOTOS: महाज्ञानी श्री राजीव दीक्षित जी -फोटोग्राफ्स-     ______________________________________________________________________ ...

Shri RAJIV Dixit Ji - Wallpapers: PHOTOS

Shri RAJIV Dixit Ji - Wallpapers: PHOTOS: महाज्ञानी श्री राजीव दीक्षित जी -फोटोग्राफ्स-     ______________________________________________________________________ ...

Shri RAJIV Dixit Ji - Wallpapers: PHOTOS

Shri RAJIV Dixit Ji - Wallpapers: PHOTOS: महाज्ञानी श्री राजीव दीक्षित जी -फोटोग्राफ्स-     ______________________________________________________________________ ...

Shri RAJIV Dixit Ji - Wallpapers: PHOTOS

Shri RAJIV Dixit Ji - Wallpapers: PHOTOS: महाज्ञानी श्री राजीव दीक्षित जी -फोटोग्राफ्स-     ______________________________________________________________________ ...