Wednesday 28 August 2013


Adya Shri Krushna Jayanti. Paramaatmanam Shri Narayanasya Krushna roopena pradurbhaava dinam. Today is Shri Krushna Jayanti, the avataara dina of Vaasudeva Krushna. It was 5185 years ago that the supreme being Shri Hari revealed his magnificent Krushna roopa to the universe. (How I arrived at the figure 5185 yrs - ShriKrushna appeared to the mortal eyes for approximately 106 years. Of these, 36 were after the onset of kaliyuga. Means 70 yrs in the dwaapara. We are in the 5115 th year of kaliyuga now. That puts the figure at 5185)
If ashtami tithi and rohini nakshatra coincide at the chandrodaya kaala (midnight), then the day is referred to as Shri Krushna Jayanti. If a different nakshatra coincides with ashtami, then the day is celebrated as Shri Krushna ashtami.
Upavaasa is compulsory for all humans on this day. Total upavaasa without even water... food is NOT to be taken at midnight, like some fools do. Food can be taken only the next day after the ashtami tithi ends. And in case of Krushna Jayanti, we should take food only after the tithi and rohini nakshatra end.
Special pooja should be offered to Krushna, Balaraama, vasudeva, devaki, nanda gopa, yashoda, rohini etc. In the mid of night, after chandra udaya, arghya should be offered to Shri Krushna with milk in shankha. Later arghya should also be given to chandra.
Balaraama IS NOT an incarnation of Narayana. Some fools believe otherwise.
Let us all celebrate today's joyous occasion with all our might.. let us fast. Tomorrow the upavaasa is to be completed only after 4.55 in the evening, as rohini nakshatra gets over only then. So it is a fast for a day and half. Man can survive without food and water for days. We have the capacity. Lets control our tongue.

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