Saturday 12 October 2013

Vijayadasami Story

Vijaya Dashami
Vijayadasami Story
Lord Shri Rama got victory on this day. On the tenth day of Ashwin Shukla, a star named Sandhya rises and during its rise a phase comes known as "Vijya Kaal" that is considered auspicious to complete any work. There is a story related to the celebration of this festival, which is as follows:
Once Devi Parvati was curious to know about the importance of this festival. She asked Lord Shiva to give her the answer and settle down her curiosity. Lord Shiva told her that in the evening of Ashwin Shukla's tenth day a star rises in the sky during which a phase comes knows as " Vijya Kaal" and this phase is auspicious to get victory over enemies and all the wishes are fulfilled during this Kaal.
If Shravan Nakshatra is formed on this day, then it becomes more auspicious. Lord Rama attacked Lanka during this phase and got victory over Ravana.
It is a significant festival for Kshatriyas. They believe that when there is no war, the kings must exceed the limit of their kingdom on this day. Once King Yudhishthira asked Lord Krishna about the significance of this day on which Lord Krishna told him that on the day of Vijayadashmi all the kings should decorate their slaves, elephants and horses and celebrate the festival with full zeal and enthusiasm.
The king along with his priest should depart towards the eastern side of his kingdom to exceed the limit of his kingdom's boundaries and worship the Vastu Dev, Ashta-Digpal and Partha Deva. He should make a mannequin of his enemy and dig an arrow into his chest while chanting the Vedic Mantras. Complete all the rituals and head back to his kingdom. Any king who performs these rituals will always gets victory over his enemies.
Info Courtesy - Narahari Sumadhwa
Vijaya dashami is celebrated in almost all parts of the country on Ashwayuja Shudda Dashami.

This day is also called as the Madhwa Jayanthi Day, it is on this day that Vayudevaru made his avatara as Sri Madhwacharyaru, to condemn 21 kubhashyaas of Advaitha, Vishistadvaita, and other kumataas as per the orders of Sri hari.

Vijaya Dashami is also known as Dasara or Navarathri

Importance of Vijaya Dashami day as per Hindu Mythology :

1. It is on this day that in Tretayuga Sri Ramachandra killed Ravana - When Ravana kidnapped Seeta Maata, Sriramachandra with the assistance of Kapi Sainya, under the able leadership of Sugreeva and Hanumanta invaded Lanka and killed Ravana, Kumbhakarna and brought back Seeta devi. As a rememberance of the day, some youths all over the country celebrate the day by burning the huge idols of Ravana, Kumbhakarna (brother of Ravana) & Meghanad (son of Ravana) are erected and are set on fire by the enthusiastic youth at the sun set During these 10 days of Dasha-Hara.

2. Durgamaata (Mahishasuramardhini/Chamundeswari) killed Mahishasura on this only. - Once under the leadership of Mahishasura, a buffaloe looked asura, attacked Deva loka and defeated swargadhipathi and other devategalu. As such, Goddess Lakshmi made the avatara of Chamundeswari (also called as Mahishasuramardhini after his killing) with ten hands, riding on a lion. The battle went on for nine days and on the last day, i.e., on Vijaya Dashami Day, the Rakshasa Mahishasura was killed alongwith his assistant asuraas.

3. Pandavaas’ agnaatavaasa samapthi - It is on this day, that Pandavaas finished thier Agnatavasa. Immediately after the agnatavasa period, Arjuna in the disguise of Bruhannale took his Ayudha from Shamee Vruksha and fought against Kauravaas in Uttara Gograhana, when they attacked Virata Nagara. Arjuna brought victory for Virata Raja.



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