Papamochani Ekadasi / पापमोचनी एकादशी
Addressing Lord Sri Krishna, Yudhishthira Maharaja said, "O Supreme Lord, I wish to hear about the Ekadashi that occurs during the dark fortnight of the month Phalguna. What is its name and what results can one attain by observing it?"
Lord Sri Krishna, replied, "O best of kings, for the benefit of everyone I shall describe to you the glories of this Ekadashi which is known as Papamochani. The history of this Ekadashi was once narrated to the emperor Mandhata by Lomasa Rishi.”
Lomasa Rishi narrates, “The Ekadashi that occurs during the dark part of the month of Phalguna is named Papamochani Ekadashi. For the faithful devotee it removes the influences of ghosts and demons. This Ekadashi also awards the eight perfections of life, fulfills all kinds of desires and purifies one's life of all sinful reactions.
Legends revolve around a sage named Medhavi who was a loyal devotee of Lord Shiva. This sage was performing Tapas (austerity) in a forest called Chaitraratha, well-known for bearing beautiful and aromatic flowers. In addition, the forest was often visited by Indira, demigods, apsaras and other heavenly beings. Often the apsaras and damsels of heaven made several attempts of interrupting the meditation of the sage, but in vain. Eventually, an apsara named Manju Ghosa betted upon disturbing the sage’s meditation. Thus, she built a hut close to the sage’s place and started playing the veena along with singing songs.
Soon, the sage set out in search of the song and found the gorgeous Manju Ghosa. On sighting the sage, Manju immediately applied sandalwood paste and wore beautiful flowers. Overwhelmed by the beauty of the apsara, the sage finally lost his concentration and gave up to the apsara. After leading a married life for years, Manju lost interest in the sage and thought of leaving back. At this point, the sage regained his senses and realized that he had been tricked. Annoyed, the sage cursed the apsara and turned her into a witch. Depressed and saddened, the sage returned back to his father Sage Chyavana and narrated the entire tale.
Sage Chyavana asked his son to observe the vrat of Papamochini Ekadashi after which he would be relieved of his sins. As advised, the sage observed the vrat and hence, was able to get rid of his faults. He even asked the apsara to observe the same vrat following which she too would be relieved of the curse. The tern Papamochini has been derived from two words, ‘Papa’ means ‘sin’ and ‘Mochini’ means ‘to escape’. Therefore, Papamochini Ekadashi has been dedicated towards eradicating sins and guilt associated with sins committed.
Lomasa Rishi continued, 'Thus, O king, the great benefit of fasting on Papamochani Ekadashi is that whoever does so with faith and devotion will have all his sins completely destroyed.'
Sri Krishna concluded, "O King Yudhishthira, whoever reads or hears about Papamochani Ekadashi, obtains the very same merit he would get if he donated a thousand cows in charity, and he also nullifies the sinful reactions he may have incurred by killing a brahmana, killing an embryo through abortion, drinking liquor, etc. Such is the incalculable benefit of properly observing this holy day of Papamochani Ekadashi, which is so dear to Me and so meritorious."