Tuesday 11 March 2014

Tomorrow is Aamalki Ekadashi.

Amalaki Ekadashi
Phalguna Shukla Ekadashi
Amalakii, is actually the form of Brahman.
Legend behind it
“Once, in the month of Phalguna, the holy fast of Amalakii Ekadasi arrived, conjoined with Dvadasi. King Chitraratha realised that this particular fast would bestow especially great benefit, and thus he and all the citizens of Vaidisha observed this sacred Ekadasi very strictly, carefully following all the rules and regulations.”
“After bathing in the river, the king and all his subjects went to the temple of Lord Vishnu, where an Amalaki tree grew. First the king and his leading sages offered the tree a pot filled with water, as well as a fine canopy, shoes, gold, diamonds, rubies, pearls, sapphires, and aromatic incense. O Amalaki, you are actually the form of Brahman, and you were once worshiped by Lord Ramachandra Himself. Whoever circumambulates you is therefore immediately freed of all his sins.’
One day, the king went into the dense forest. Suddenly some demons of forest ambushed him. Demons attacked king with their fatal weapons but to no avail, not a single weapon could hurt the king due to the boon and grace of the God all weapons were modifying into flowers.
Because demons were large in numbers and they abused king physically and thus king fainted. Suddenly a divine power appeared from the body of king and assassinated all demons.
He was surprised when he gained his conscious and found all demons dead. He wondered who had killed them. Suddenly a revelation broke out and said- Oh King! These all demons have been killed due to your faith in Aamal-Ki-Ekadashi fast. The supernatural power of Aamal-Ki-Ekadashi that originated from your body had destroyed all demons. The power had gone back into your body after killing all demons.
Listening to this king became very happy and he narrated the significance of Ekadashi fast to everyone. His subject lived happily after the assassination of demons.


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