Thursday 4 July 2013

Today Is Yogini Ekadhasi (4th JULY 2013)

(Fasting on Yogini Ekadhashi destroys heaps of past sinful reactions and makes most pious, will be freed from terrible curses.)

The Ekadhasi that occurs during the dark fortnight of the month of Jyeshta (May – June) is the Yogini Ekadhasi.

Fasting on Yogini Ekadhasi will nullify all the curses. The curses and its reactions in this birth and in our previous births will be nullified by fasting Yogini Ekadhasi.
Whatever merit one obtains by feeding 88,000 pious brāhmaṇas is also obtained simply by observing a strict fast on Yoginī Ekadhasi.
This fast will destroy heaps of past sinful reactions and makes us most pious.
In the puranas, an incident has been noted that Hemamali, the Yaksha has nullified his curse and its reactions by fasting on this Yogini Ekadhasi.

The king of Alakapuri – Kuvera, the treasurer of the demigods – was a steadfast devotee of lord siva. Hemamali was his personal gardener. Hemamalī‟s daily duty was to visit Manasarovara Lake and bring back flowers for his master, Kuvera, with which he would use them in the puja offerings to lord Śiva. One day, after picking the flowers, Hemamali went to his wife for sex instead of returning directly to his master and fulfilling his duty by bringing the flowers for the puja.

Knowing this , Kuvera who was totally angry cursed Hemamali to fall in the lower planets and to suffer from white leprosy and to become separated from your beloved wife. And so Hemamalī fell at once from grace in Alakapurī and became ill with the terrible affliction of white leprosy.

As he was wandering near Himalayas, he had the wonderful good fortune to come upon the great saint Mārkandeya rishi, the best of ascetics, whose duration of life it is said, extends to seven of the days of Brahma. Hemamali told the rishi all his story and asked him for help.

Softhearted Mārkandeya rishi replied, “Because you have told me the truth, I shall tell you about a fast day that will benefit you greatly. If you fast on the Ekadhasi that comes during the dark fortnight of the month of jeshta you will surely be freed of this terrible curse.”

Upon hearing these blessed words from the renowned sage, Hemamali
fell to the ground in complete gratitude and offered him his humble obeisances again and again. But Mārkandeya rishi stood there and lifted Hemamali up, filling him with inexpressible happiness.

Thus, as the sage had instructed him, Hemamali dutifully observed the Ekadhasi fast, and by its influence he again became a handsome Yakṣa. Then he returned home, where he lived very happily with his wife

Hari Sarvothama -  Vayu Jeevothama

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